Films Category


Episode Four: The Linesman

Mar 31, 2015Comments off12120 Views

Lofty, lefty, westy. Meet pinstriper and custom painter, Chaz Allen.


Episode Three: The Toy Collector

Feb 26, 2015Comments off11479 Views

John has too many cool projects. But those are my words, not his.


Episode Two: Jammin Gears

Jan 31, 2015Comments off11924 Views

Our second episode tells the story of NZ's Jammin Gears magazine on the eve of its 50th issue.


Episode One: Royals

Dec 30, 2014Comments off12626 Views

We're kicking off our monthly episodes with a feature on the Royals. No, the other Royals.


The South Film

Sep 23, 2014Comments off13208 Views

Critics everywhere have agreed that The South is in fact "a hot rod DVD" and "is 70 minutes long", which is pleasing.


The North Film

Sep 23, 2014Comments off10359 Views

The North is much like our latest film; The South, except that it's older and filmed around NZ's North Island to avoid confusion.

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